Ambassador Report: What We’re Currently Loving…
This week we asked our 2021 WNWN Ambassadors about what they are currently most excited about when it comes to design today. We love the way our Ambassadors are re-thinking the norm and re-looking at color!
What are you most excited about in
design right now?

“I think we're seeing a shift towards normalizing personal, intimate spaces. We've been talking about Quiet Rooms for a little over two years now, and clients are coming to us asking us to create them for them. The open floor plan, and all it connotes (chaos, noise, a hectic lifestyle) is passe, and clients are ready for peace and quiet and some alone time.” – Rachel Cannon, @rclinteriors

“I am loving how homes are feeling truly loved in. I’m loving layered, collected spaces filled with primitive objects, living metals, warm woods and colors, comfortable fabrics, soft shapes. The imperfect is being embraced. Old world techniques are in high demand. Spaces are feeling classic while still Chic and not overdone.” – Zoe Feldman, @zoefeldmandesign

“Re-inventing the way we do things! The world seems to be backordered at the moment, and I refuse to fall into that hole. I want to not only keep up the momentum of our work but create new and inventive ways to make our work better than ever and continue to exceed clients' expectations. It's uncomfortable to change and evolve but the more I push myself to do just that, the more I grow and never look back at the old ways!” – Charlotte Lucas, @charlottehlucas

"I'm loving that there's this renewed interest in personalizing one's space, in making it feel less like "what I've seen before" and more "how I want my home, restaurant, office... to feel." That interest is manifesting in more daring combinations, more nuanced mixes of sources, and I am here for all of it!" - Noz Nozawa, @noznozawa