The 200 Lex Community Gives Back
For almost 95 years, the New York Design Center has prided itself on bringing the design industry together. Now, more than ever, it is important to support each other and work together to strengthen our community.

As the number of Corona virus cases rises, we have seen a dramatic shift in our day to day lives. Showrooms have shifted to working and operating virtually and practicing social distancing to help flatten the curve. In addition to social distancing, many 200 Lex showrooms have jumped into action to help our emergency workers, hospitals and local communities.
David Sutherland (Suite 117) In order to combat the spread, Perennials Fabrics is pivoting their operations and opened their warehouse to create health masks for nearby hospitals and essential workers. They are using “unfinished” fabric (which has not been treated with their NanoSeal™ finish) to sew masks that will cover and extend the life of regulation N95 face masks. One of the many benefits in using Perennials Fabric is that they are 100% solution-dyed acrylic fabric which stands up to bleach, making them ideal for healthcare workers who are using bleach products nonstop to clean their uniforms and work spaces.
Century Furniture (Suite 200) has been working with companies like Sherrill Furniture Brands to donate materials to Woodard Furniture and help ramp up the production of masks for healthcare workers and emergency responders.
Kravet Workspace (Suite 210) is producing masks out of its South Carolina warehouse and has shipped over 1,000 yards of fabric to manufacturers like Woodard to help sew masks in bulk. Kravet is generously utilizing their resources and partnering within the industry to help hospitals get the supplies they need. Partnering with outdoor furniture company Woodard who has taken the charge and utilizing their Michigan factory to help mass produce masks to send to hospitals in need. Check out the coverage in Business of Home and AD Pro.
Baker (Suite 300) is rising to action in the face of the devastating impact of COVID-19, utilizing its manufacturing facilities, design resources, and high-quality fabrics to create breathable, machine washable masks and gowns that will be donated to local hospitals in North Carolina. Using their signature fabrics that are solution-dyed acrylic (for stain repellency qualities) and feature a backing for more protection, the masks will be used as a secondary shield to N95 masks, allowing for the critical re-use of the N95s. Gowns being made by Baker are intended to be worn over healthcare workers’ disposable plastic gowns and scrubs as an added layer of protection. Mike Jolly remarked, “At Baker, we have become increasingly concerned about the growing number of Coronavirus cases in our state and the impact it has on our brave community of healthcare workers and emergency personnel. As a furniture company with a local factory and deep roots in the North Carolina community, we feel it is our duty to use our resources to address the urgent need for face masks and hospital gowns. We have mobilized our staff in a safe, clean environment; shifting production to design and produce PPEs to protect and support frontline workers who are in dire need of these essential supplies. It’s the least we can do.”
Ann Gish & the Art of Home ( Suite 402) has been diligently working on sewing masks using leftover fabric and sending it to the Pediatric ICU at New York Presbyterian hospital.
Rosemary Hallgarten (Suite 409 – coming soon!) will be donating their Linen Emil fabric to a designer in Chicago who is making masks for emergency workers. They will also be teaming up with their workroom to make masks to be given out at local hospitals in Connecticut.
Harbinger New York (Suite 601) is sharing the love from one of the lines that they represent entitled CW Stockwell. CW Stockwell is currently partnering with Delgado NYC to manufacture and create as many masks as possible to send to emergency responders.
Pindler (Suite 615 – coming soon!) has reallocated their efforts and their amazing team of seamstresses began producing masks from upcycled Pindler fabric for local hospitals and nursing homes in need. Join Pindler in the #MillionMaskChallenge to share as a community our support for all the many selfless doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals in the fight against COVID- 19
#WeAreInThisTogether #MillionMaskChallenge #MasksForHeroes #ThankYouHealthCareProfessionals
The New Traditionalists & ducduc, kids (Suite 701) has transitioned their business to help support local communities with essential furniture and health care items. They immediately started transitioning and producing face masks to be donated to local hospitals and day care centers. Additionally, they are rigorously working to create essential health care furniture including beds, carts, partitions, dividers, seating, daycare furniture, bins in addition to masks and gowns.
Apropos (Suite 710) has been working with one of their factories in Dallas, American Leather, to work with the federal government and local hospitals to offer their manufacturing services to produce protective face masks and gowns.
Guy Regal (Suite 806) is focusing its efforts on the under-served and at-risk community members. They pledge any sale made on or through their storefront on, 5% of the proceeds will be donated to City Meals on Wheels.
Sherrill Furniture Brands (Suite 808) has also been working with Woodard, in donating materials to help increase production of masks for hospitals as they continue to experience supply shortages for their healthcare and emergency workers.
Thom Filicia Inc. (Suite 815) has been working with one of its manufacturers in Chicago (Eastern Accents) who primarily produces the bedding and pillows from Thom’s line and is transitioning its factory from bedding, pillows and throws to produce masks for hospitals in need.
Lost City Arts (Suite 909) Any purchases made now through April 1st, 10% of the sale will go to the charity of the client’s choice.
Avery Boardman (Suite 916) has been diligently gathering materials in their factory and reaching out to manufacturers to help create masks and medical equipment for hospitals in need once their factory reopens.
ANDREU WORLD (Suite 1111) is currently making homologated masks and protective medical gowns in order to alleviate the shortage for emergency responders. They are ramping up their efforts to manufacture 12,000 of these protective items to donate to local communities and senior centers.
Jiun Ho at Dennis Miller Associates (Suite 1208) is working with a seamstress to make medical masks for healthcare workers using Jiun Ho textiles.
Decca Contract (Suite 1414) is currently working to connect with other manufacturers in the industry to donate supplies and help flatten the curve. They are proactively reaching out to others in the design community to see how they can combine forces and follow the mandated guidelines to help keep our healthcare workers and emergency responders safe and protected.
Butterfield Cafe (16th floor) has started a new initiative entitled “Feed our Heroes”. Butterfield Market and Catering received an overwhelmingly large response from their customers to donate meals to all the healthcare workers diligently working and risking their own lives to help save others. Butterfield Market and Catering is partnering with Lenox Hill Hospital, NY-Presbyterian #HealthcareHeroes Initiative and other local media centers to produce and deliver packaged meals to our first responders. For more information on this initiative and to get involved use the following link:
From our wise friends at Kravet, “Overall, the industry has banded together to aid in filling the void of available equipment and will continue to offer their services to help fight this fast-spreading virus.” The 200 Lex family is working diligently to help flatten the curve and further harness the power of our community.